Brief Story of Jim Beam Whisky
In 1795, Jacob Beam sold his first batch of whiskey, establishing the foundations for a long-lasting family business that lasted through Prohibition until Repeal, allowing James Beauregard Beam to rebuild his family's distillery and grow the brand into the world's number one bourbon.
The Jim Beam family tradition has been passed down through seven generations of distillers. Jim Beam's great-grandson Frederick Booker Noe III, the seventh generation Master Distiller, filled the 15 millionth barrel of Jim Beam in March 2018, carrying on the tradition of Jacob Beam for the next generation of bourbon drinkers.
Jim Beam undergoes a lengthy fermentation process that includes two distillations and at least four years of aging in charred American oak barrels. The process of making this product starts with water that has been organically filtered by the limestone ledge in Central Kentucky.
A type of yeast that has been used since the end of Prohibition is combined with grains in a tank to make "dona yeast," which is utilized later in the fermentation process. Hammermills break down the corn, rye, and barley malt mixture for easier cooking. Water and set back are then added to the mixture in a large mash cooker.
The "set back" is a portion of the old mash from the previous distillation—the key step of the sour mash process, ensuring consistency from batch to batch. The mash is transferred from the cooker to the fermenter, where it is chilled to 60–70 degrees Fahrenheit and yeast is added again.
The yeast is fed by the sugars in the mash, which produces heat, carbon dioxide, and alcohol. It is called "distiller's beer" or "wash", the resulting liquid looks, smells and tastes like a form of beer.
The wash is pumped into a column still and heated to over 200 degrees Fahrenheit, turning the alcohol into a vapor. As the vapor cools and condenses, it transforms into a liquid known as "low wine," which has a proof of 125, or 62.5% alcohol.
A second distillation in a pot still heats and condenses the liquid into "high wine", which reaches 135 proof 67.5% alcohol. The high wine is transferred to fresh, charred American oak barrels, each with a capacity of 53 gallons.
The barrels are sealed with a "bung" before being moved to nearby hilltop rackhouses to mature for up to nine years. Natural weather changes expand and shrink the barrel wood as the seasons change, allowing whiskey to seep into the barrel and the charred oak's caramelized sugars to flavor and color the bourbon.
A significant portion known as the "angel's share" of the 53 gallons of bourbon escapes the barrel through evaporation, or stays trapped in the wood of the barrel. Jim Beam ages for at least four years, or twice as long as the government requires for a "straight" bourbon.
After at least four years of aging, the distillery can lawfully remove the age statement from the bottle. At the end of the aging period the amber liquid is filtered, bottled, packaged and sent to one of many distributors around the world using the three-tier distribution system.
Why is Jim Beam a great choice?
Jim Beam has a watered-down, thin flavor at first. Once you get past that, you'll notice a flavor of vanilla, corn, and a sour note. The sour flavor comes from Jim Beam being distilled from corn mash that has been fermented in oak barrels.
Jim Beam undergoes a lengthy fermentation process that includes two distillations and at least four years of aging in charred American oak barrels. This contributes to the signature wood flavor found in Jim Beam bourbons.
Fresh-cut hay, a hint of sweetness, a touch of vanilla, and a whiff of cornfields encompass every bottle of Jim Beam.
Simply put, Jim Beam is a low-cost bourbon. It's probably where the majority of people begin their bourbon journey. It's a great place to start because of its low proof and low cost. Low price is often the most important factor for people who want to make whiskey mixed drinks.
It's probably one of the best inexpensive bourbons on the market when compared to other budget bourbons. Many people will most likely combine it with something else. Jim Beam is your bourbon of choice if you don't want a strong bourbon flavor in your mixed drink.
Its mellow flavors are likely to go well with almost anything. Simply put, Jim Beam is a low-cost bourbon. It's probably where the majority of people begin their bourbon journey. It's a great place to start because of its low proof and low cost.
Low price is often the most important factor for people who want to make whiskey mixed drinks. It's probably one of the best inexpensive bourbons on the market when compared to other budget bourbons.
Many people will most likely combine it with something else. Jim Beam is your bourbon of choice if you don't want a strong bourbon flavor in your mixed drink. Its mellow flavors are likely to go well with almost anything.
However, if you prefer to sip your bourbon and appreciate its finer points, Jim Beam white label is not for you. This is why Jim Beam offers Double Aged and Single Barrel whiskeys, as well as small batch whiskeys. It all depends on what you're looking for in a bourbon and how much you're willing to spend.
Time to chug it up, Jim Beam is crafted with perfection, taste the excitement and experience class with every drop. Escape the boredom and get all you want. Add it to the cart and buy it online now!
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